Sustainability Report
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Labor practices and equality of opportunity


The material topic labor practices and equal opportunities corresponds to employment opportunities and positive impacts on workers by the employment practices adopted and their influence on the supply chain. It includes impacts on employees, on their careers and development, and on the organizational environment due to the level of transparency in communication and the establishment of dialogue, especially in career advancement processes, and the company's policies and practices in relation to the promotion of non-discrimination, diversity, equity, inclusion, and equality of opportunity.

It should be noted that the Strategic Plan 2023-2027 presents a major HR challenge to increase productivity, considering the preparation of the workforce for business sustainability while strengthening our cultural evolution.


In addition, our ESG (environmental, social and governance) objective is to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the country, with an emphasis on promoting well-being and human rights.  To this end, we seek to advance in diversity and inclusion actions, especially about people with disabilities, as well as with racial and gender issues.


We will also preserve and strengthen valuable aspects of our culture, such as the ability to innovate and overcome challenges, and to focus on producing with excellence in the technical and economic fields, acting as a single team to generate value. We will do all this with full respect for people and the environment, as safety is our greatest value.

Employment practices and work hours

At Petrobras Parent Company, all employees are hired for an indefinite period, and the contractual workload is eight hours or six hours a day, depending on the employee's position. All 38,673 employees of the Petrobras Parent Company were hired according to the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT). Throughout 2022 we had no significant changes in our number of employees.  Additionally, we have nine officers who are statutory and governed by our bylaws, all men, totaling 38,682 employees as of December 31, 2022, which represents 86% of total employees. We do not use temporary contracts for hiring at the Petrobras Parent Company.


With the aim of providing better quality of life for our employees, in addition to being another tool for adapting the workforce, in 2017, an optional reduction in the daily workday from eight to six hours was implemented, with a proportional reduction in compensation of 25% for employees in an administrative regime with flexible hours who do not have additional payment for leadership/management position. In addition, in 2018, an optional weekly workload reduction with proportional reduction of 20% was implemented, which enabled employees to reduce their work days per week from five to four, after negotiating the rules with labor unions. The reduction of days was offered to employees who work in the administrative regime with flexible and fixed hours with a work day of eight hours a day and in the administrative regime of differentiated category (social workers) whose daily work hours are six hours, as long as they did not perform a paid function. Part time employees have the same benefits as regular employees. 


 Our hybrid work model


In August 2020, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, the Executive Board approved the permanent telecommuting model for up to three days a week. Optional participation was made available to employees by signing a Participation Agreement, which serves as an addendum to the employment contract, which contains the rules that must be observed. The return to face-to-face work, and the effective application of the permanent telecommuting model, for up to three days a week, was implemented in waves as of October 2021, observing the context of the pandemic.

With the last wave of return to face-to-face work that took place in May 2022, the Petrobras Parent Company administrative employees who adhered to the permanent teleworking model began to perform their activities in a hybrid manner, which represents 87% of total employees in the administrative regime.

In the Brazilian subsidiaries, 30% of employees use the hybrid model (1,775 employees), with the same rule of the parent company for the number of days telecommuting and in person.
In foreign subsidiaries, 67% of employees (378) work in a hybrid model. Subsidiaries abroad followed the market rules of the country where they are to maintain post-pandemic telecommuting. At the end of 2022, the majority had the possibility of 2 to 3 days of telecommuting, depending on the employee's position.

Profile of contractors

We do not define the number of employees that contracted companies must use to execute their contracts, only that deliveries that must be carried out as provided for in the contractual agreement. As a result, information related to gender or any other information about professional service providers, including the scale of work, belongs to their respective employers. We have the information available in our corporate access system. Thus, in December 2022, we accounted for 105,397 employees of service providers working in our units, with 97,734 service providers working at Petrobras Parent Company, classified into groups of activities and geographic areas, as shown in the table below:




Type of Activity







Administrative Support







Direct and Indirect Operations Support







Maintenance Stoppage





















Foreign service providers [2] 







Consolidated total








  [1] Employees of contracted companies registered in the Service Provider Data Management System with activities classified as internal in the facilities of the Petrobras Parent Company or in areas under the responsibility of the company (assessment of 12/31/2022). The Brazilian subsidiaries listed the service providers at their facilities by type of activity and region on 12/31/2022. We had no significant changes in the number of service providers that operated at Petrobras Parent Company throughout 2022.

  [2] Foreign subsidiaries reported the total number of service providers in their facilities, but without breaking down the information by type of activity.


Our suppliers must provide their employees with decent working conditions, ensuring compliance with current labor legislation. This obligation is provided for both in our draft contract and in our Petrobras Ethical Conduct Guide for Suppliers. Therefore, based on this guide and on internal standards with guidelines for the inspection of contracts for goods and services, compliance with labor obligations is sought, requiring monthly submission of the necessary documentation to prove compliance with labor, pension obligations and payment of the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS), when applicable. Failure to comply with these obligations allows us to apply fines and other penalties provided for in the contracts.


Information about hiring of new suppliers and negative social impacts on the supply chain and measures taken can be found in our Human Rights and Corporate Citizenship Supplement

Petrobras Young Apprentice Program

One way to encourage and attract young people to our industry is the Petrobras Young Apprentice Program (PPJA), which in 2022 at Petrobras Parent Company included 1,392 young people distributed across 16 Brazilian states . Throughout 2022, we trained 667 Young Apprentices. In October 2022, we admitted the young people selected for the new learning cycle. The selection process considered quotas for adolescents in foster care - institutional or family (15%), adolescents who had been involved in child labor (10%) and for people with disabilities (10%). In December 2022 we had 725 active young people. 


The Petrobras Young Apprentice Program complies with Law 10,097 2000 and Decree 9,579/2018, which determines that establishments of any type should employ and enroll a number of apprentices equivalent to at least five percent and as much as fifteen per cent of the workers in each establishment that require professional training. The Petrobras Young Apprentice Program learning classes last up to two years.


Even considering the pandemic, the Petrobras Young Apprentice Program wasn’t halted. When necessary, assisted technology was used to carry out the learning courses.

Non-discrimination and equal opportunities

When we talk about diversity, we embrace inclusion and fairness to foster an environment favorable to the expression and recognition  of employee identities and the consolidation of relationships based on respect and trust. Diversity management is carried out through the principles of respect for differences, equal opportunities, and non-discrimination.


It is known that more diverse teams tend to make better decisions and provide companies with greater results, both due to the ability to consider different points of view in decision-making, and due to the welcoming organizational climate, that allows employees to participate more and be proactive. Therefore, we are advancing in actions that seek to increase the participation and inclusion of underrepresented groups in line with our values, and what has been requested by the market in relation to ESG practices. Promoting a greater number of people with a diverse profile implies encouraging more women, black people, people with disabilities and other minority groups to be part of our company via the public selection process. 

In addition to seeking to attract more diversity to our teams, we are investing in actions that promote a more inclusive environment. In other words, an environment in which all people can genuinely experience their identity, express themselves and work without bumping into prejudices or any type of bias or limiting beliefs, thus enhancing their performance.


 PERCENTAGE OF WOMEN (consolidated data - %)


Total employees

STEM career [1]

General leadership [2]

1st Level management [3]

Upper management [4]




















[1] Positions related to the STEM careers - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. 

[2] General leadership are the management functions that include: coordinator, sector manager, manager, general manager, assistant, executive manager, officers and the CEO.

[3] 1st Level management includes? coordinator and sector manager.

[4]  Upper management includes? executive manager, officers and the CEO.


In accordance with Guideline 7 of our Human Resources Policy and with item 4.2.a of our Code of Ethical Conduct, our Career and Compensation Plan (PCR) makes no gender distinction regarding the compensation between men and women who occupy the same position or function. Thus, considering the same position, salary level, time with the company, regime and working conditions, the ratio of the average compensation between women and men is equal to 1. 


However, when we analyze it broadly, it is clear that the special work regimes, which have specific additional compensation, impact the average ratio between the compensation of women and men, indicating a small difference. It should also be clarified that there is a male predominance in activities associated with these regimes in the oil and gas industry. Despite this, also from this perspective, we are managing to reduce the difference. In 2022, the ratio between the compensation of women and men at Petrobras was 0.97.


When we analyze the age profile data of our employees, we see that we have a great age diversity.


PROFILE BY AGE (consolidated)


Descrição gerada automaticamente


Information on the ethnic-racial profile of our employees is shown in the chart below. In order to propose the structuring of a program to promote racial equity to be implemented by the company, in 2022 we created the Racial Equity Working Group, an action provided for in our Human Rights Action Plan.


ETHNIC-RACIAL PROFILE [1] (consolidated)


Descrição gerada automaticamente com confiança média


[1]  The scope of this information is for the parent company, subsidiaries in Brazil and the following foreign subsidiaries: Petrobras Netherlands B.V., Petrobras America INC., Petrobras Singapore Private Limited, Petrobras Operaciones S.A., Petrobras Oil & Gas B.V. – Turkey branch, Petrobras International Braspetro B.V.). For cultural reasons in some countries, this information cannot be obtained and consolidated for all companies abroad.


Information about our actions to promote diversity and inclusion can be consulted in our Booklet on Human Rights and Corporate Citizenship.


All employees who have proven the birth or adoption of a child are eligible to take maternity (primary caregiver) or paternity (secondary or non-primary caregiver) leave. In addition to the legal determination, our employees have the right to extend maternity leave, reaching a total of 180 days, and to extend paternity leave, reaching a total of 20 days. The extension of maternity leave is also guaranteed in case of hospitalization of the mother or baby, for the duration of the hospitalization.

In 2022, 1,157 male employees went on paternity leave in the consolidated total, 377 female employees went on maternity leave and 1 female employee went on paternity leave.


At Petrobras Parent Company, 1,017 male employees went on paternity leave, 343 female employees went on maternity leave and 1 female employee went on paternity leave, making up a total of 100% of employees entitled to maternity/paternity/adoption leave, and the rate of return to work and employee retention was 99.6% in 2022.


We have 21 breastfeeding support rooms, distributed in operational units and administrative facilities. 

Staff management

One of the main challenges for HR management is to ensure ideal staff size for our business portfolio. In this sense, Petrobras Parent Company has adopted the planning methodology called Optimal Headcount (HO), whose objective is to define the ideal need for employees to support the Strategic Plan. The executive departments are protagonists in defining the assumptions used for sizing, in compliance with safety, business continuity, implementation of new projects and optimization opportunities.


The analysis of the projected headcount for the coming years, associated with the historical evolution and turnover of our staff, guide the initiatives for adapting personnel to the company's strategies. 


Improving internal personnel mobility practices is essential to support portfolio management projects in a flexible and dynamic way. In addition, Petrobras analyzes the staff profile and implements strategies for refreshing the staff, seeking better adherence to the company's needs and challenges. This is supported by structured planning of employee entrances and exits, training and continuing education programs, and analysis of impacts and costs, creating conditions for the maintenance of critical knowledge, entry of new knowledge, and gradual change in the profile of the workforce.

Freedom of association and collective bargaining

Petrobras follows the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO) ratified by Brazil, in addition to being, since 2003, signatories of the United Nations Global Compact, whose third principle provides for the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining and freedom of association.


In line with our strategic positioning and as an expression of labor relations management permeated by dialogue, valuing employees, respect for their representations and the balance between their aspirations and corporate objectives, we affirm our policy of constructive dialogue and permanent negotiations with unions. This happens through Collective Bargaining Agreements (ACTs), where the objective conditions of labor relations are set out in social and economic clauses.


All Petrobras Parent Company employees are represented by independent unions, and 42% are union members. We have a Collective Bargaining Agreement in force with all unions representing employees, with 96% of our own workforce covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement and 4% by an Individual Labor Agreement (AIT), which has the same benefits as the Collective Bargaining Agreement. As provided by art. 457 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), these agreements include social clauses related to work, security conditions and benefits. 


Transpetro, Petrobras Biocombustível, Termobahia, Termomacaé and TBG, Petrobras subsidiaries that have their own employees, also respect the effective right to collective bargaining and the right to freedom of association. All employees of these subsidiaries are represented by independent unions, which hold periodic meetings to address issues such as work regime, benefits, compensation and other issues covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement. In general, the subsidiaries work together with the Parent Company in the negotiations of the Collective Bargaining Agreement around a single agenda of the unions, even if the agreed terms are different, based on the realities and limitations of each company. Regarding coverage, 100% of employees at Transpetro, Petrobras Biocombustível, Termobahia, Termomacaé and TBG are covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements.

Read the chapter in its entirety