Sustainability Report
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Caring for people

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Labor Practices and Equal Opportunities


This material topic is associated with employment opportunities and positive impacts on workers due to the employment practices adopted and their influence on the supply chain. It includes impacts on employees, on their careers and development, such as  carrer and  training, and on the organizational environment due to the level of transparency in communication and the establishment of dialogue, especially in career advancement processes, and the company's policies and practices in relation to the promotion of non-discrimination, diversity, equity, inclusion, and equality of opportunity. It also covers the prevention of forced labor and modern slavery, especially in the supply chain, and the impacts related to sexual harassment, moral harassment, and discrimination, as well as the company's approach to the issue. Finally, it includes the positive impacts on workers and the organization due to the implementation of teleworking.



Changes in the oil and gas industry, demands related to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and discussions about the future of work have been on the agenda in organizations and their Human Resources (HR) areas. However, the great contemporary challenge in HR management is to have more human-centered processes with practices that promote diversity, equity and inclusion, mental health, and well-being of employees, making companies more agile, resilient, and sustainable.


It is worth highlighting that the 2024-2028+ Strategic Plan brings the following major HR challenges: evolve the organization, processes, and work models; improve the journey of employees and leaders by being a reference in HR practices and technology; and strengthen the organizational culture and humanized environment, with diversity, equity, and inclusion, attracting talent and promoting well-being, engagement, productivity, and innovation.In this sense, the HR Strategy aims to ensure adherence of people management practices with the needs of the business, promoting people's engagement in overcoming the company's challenges.


Furthermore, our goals, associated with ESG practices, is to contribute to the country's socioeconomic development, with an emphasis on promoting well-being and human rights.  Thereto,  we seek to advance in diversity and inclusion actions, especially with regard to people with disabilities, as well as with racial and gender issues.


Finally, we will  maintain  and strengthen valuable aspects of our culture, such as the ability to innovate and overcome challenges, and focus on producing with excellence in the technical and economic fields, acting as a single team to generate value. And we will do all this with full respect for people and the environment, as safety is our greatest value.




When it comes to diversity, we embrace inclusion and fairness to foster an environment favorable to the expression and recognition of employee identities and the consolidation of relationships based on respect and trust. Management is carried out through the principles of respect for differences, equal opportunities, and non-discrimination.


Diversity at Petrobras


It is known that more diverse teams tend to make better decisions and provide companies with greater results, both due to the ability to consider different points of view in decision-making, and due to the welcoming organizational climate that allows employees to participate more and be proactive. Therefore, we are advancing in actions that seek to increase the participation and inclusion of underrepresented groups in line with our values, and with the best practices being adopted by the market.

Promoting a greater number of people with a diverse profile implies encouraging more women, Black people, people with disabilities and other minority groups to be part of our company via the public selection process.


In addition to seeking to attract more diversity to our teams, we are investing in actions that promote a more inclusive environment. In other words, an environment in which all people can genuinely experience their identity, express themselves and work without encountering into prejudices or any type of bias or limiting beliefs, thus enhancing their performance.  


Below is some of the main diversity information regarding our teams:


In accordance with Guideline 7 of our Human Resources Policy and with item 4.7.a of our Human Resources Policy and with item 4.2.a of our Code of Ethical Conduct, our Career and Compensation Plan (PCR) does not make a gender distinction in the remuneration between men and women who occupy the same position or bonus role. Thus, considering the same position, salary level, time with the company, regime and working conditions, the ratio of the average compensation between women and men is equal to 1.


However, when we analyze it broadly, it is clear that the special work regimes, which have specific additional compensation, impact the average ratio between the compensation of women and men, indicating a small difference. It should also be clarified that there is a male predominance in the activities associated with these regimes in the oil and gas industry. Despite this, also from this perspective, we are managing to reduce the difference. In 2023, the ratio between the compensation of women and men at Petrobras parent companywas 0.97. 





With the aim of promoting greater intergenerational exchange, throughout 2023 we carried out the Bidirectional Mentoring Program, which brings together top leaders and new employees in pairs to exchange knowledge and world views, in order to increase resilience in the face of the transition  for some and accelerate learning and the company's systemic vision for others, promoting intergenerational exchange, openness to diversity and mutual respect for all audiences and levels of activity in the organization. 


In November 2023, the Petrobras Racial Equity Program was launched. The program was developed based on  creation of a working group with representatives from different areas of the company. The Program establishes initiatives that seek to strengthen an inclusive culture, influence the supply chain for the topic and strengthen the health and well-being of Black workers at Petrobras, incorporating racial equity commitments into the company's Strategic Plan. 


Aiming to provide a diverse, respectful, safe, and sexual violence-free work environment, in May 2023, we launched the Petrobras Program against Sexual Violence (PPCVS), which centralizes and monitors the execution of actions carried out, and to be implemented, to combat harassment, sexual harassment and violence. The program has been developing actions in four axis: 




All employees who have proven the birth or adoption of a child are eligible to take maternity (primary caregiver) or paternity (secondary or non-primary caregiver) leave. In addition to the legal determination, our employees have the right to an extension of maternity leave, reaching a total of 180 days, and to an extension of paternity leave which, from November 2023, during the negotiation of the Collective Labor Agreement, became 30 days. The extension of maternity leave is also guaranteed in case of hospitalization of the mother or baby, for the duration of the hospitalization.


In 2023, Petrobras approved, in a pioneering manner, maternity leave for non-pregnant mothers. As provided for in the Collective Labor Agreement, Petrobras grants a 120-day maternity leave - with the option to extend for an additional 60 days or for an additional 120 days with a 50% reduction in working hours - to non-pregnant mothers. Non-pregnant mothers are considered female employees whose maternity leave benefits are not covered by Social Security and who are listed as mothers on the birth certificate or custody document for adoption purposes.


In 2023, we increased the number of breastfeeding support rooms from 21 to 26, distributed across operational units and office facilities. 


Training our employees is a value for the company. We provide an internal infrastructure for training at Petrobras University and at our units across the country, in addition to providing methodologies and teaching technologies to assist with the application and access to employee content. We invested BRL154 million in training in 2023.


Based on the performance evaluation and our Strategic Plan, training needs are identified, which are negotiated between the manager and each employee. Considering Petrobras' consolidated data, the average hours of training per employee in 2023 was 71. 


Petrobras University has a network of 13 Science and Technology Centers, focusing on the company's various business areas, which prepare and provide specific programs and development actions for the entire workforce, always seeking alignment between the actions offered and the company's Strategic Plan.

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