Sustainability Report
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About the report


The 2023 Sustainability Report meets the requirements of Law 13,303/16 and covers the period from January 01, 2023, to December 31, 2023 with the addition of relevant data regarding the history or facts that occurred in the initial months of 2024. When this occurs, the period is set forth in the report. Petrobras' Sustainability Report is published annually, after the Financial Statements and other specific documents (such as the Human Rights and Corporate Citizenship Supplement and the Climate Supplement) referenced in this report.


We use the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards 2021) as guidelines for sustainability reporting, and we respond to indicators contained in standards from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), aimed at the oil and gas industry that are suitable for our organization (Exploration & Production, Midstream and Refining & Marketing). As a complementary reporting methodology, we use the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (Ipieca) Sustainability Reporting Guide. The GRI and SASB Content Index can be found at the end of this report. 


The scope of information includes our activities in Brazil and abroad, including data regarding subsidiaries listed in the Financial Statements, when relevant to the parent company (consolidated). In some cases, the data considers only the parent company or the parent company and some subsidiaries that bring materiality to the indicator. In this case, the information under consideration is stated next to the indicator.


Emission data disclosed on the Sustainability Report 2022 had minor adjustments due to the revision of the inventory after certification by a third-party concluded in June 2023. Safety and occupational health indicators, to know: Occupational Disease Incidence Rate, Percentage of time lost due to illness or accident and Average Lost work Days Cases (Average LWDC), that were disclosed covering the parent company, Libra, Petrobras Bolivia, Petrobras International Braspetro (Colombia office) and Transpetro, actually refer to Petrobras parent company only.


As the Board of Directors is responsible for deciding on issues set forth in the law, in the company’s Bylaws or in rules approved by the Board itself, not covering the Sustainability Report, such approval was carried out by our Executive Board. The Executive Board is the highest governance body with the responsibility of managing the company’s businesses according to the mission, goals, strategies, and guidelines set forth by the Board of Directors. The report was also validated by the advisory committee to the board of directors, the Health, Safety and Environment Committee (CSMS).


KPMG was responsible for the limited assurance service of the information within the Sustainability Report 2023, as can be seen in the chapter Auditors’ limited assurance report

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