Sustainability Report
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Membership associations

The reported associations correspond to entities considered strategic for Petrobras business (national or international), through which the company and its representatives can exert influence and/or acquire relevant information and knowledge on various topics of interest by participating in debates, technical groups, projects, commissions, events, exchange of best practices, among other forms of participation. These entities may or may not contain a formal member of Petrobras in their governance structure.


Click here and access appendix with the list of membership associations


In addition to our socio-environmental investments and sponsorship projects, to increase our contribution to society, in 2022 we made several donations to help families in socially vulnerable situations through the donation of BRL 263 million that contributed to the purchase of cooking gas, accompanied when possible by the delivery of food items. 

In addition, we donated BRL 9 million for emergency actions to support the acquisition of inputs and the recovery of locations affected by floods in the states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, and the municipality of Petrópolis-RJ. With this, we reached the BRL 272.4 million in donations during 2022.


Click here and access appendix with the list of all donations done

Health and safety training

The strengthening of organizational learning in HSE is a strategic driver and was manifested through different actions.


Click here and access appendix  with the list of all health and safety trainings done

Auditors’ limited assurance report

KPMG is responsible for the limited assurance service for the information in the 2022 Sustainability Report.


Click here and access appendix of the report with auditors’ limited assurance report

GRI content index

We use the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards 2021) as guidelines for sustainability reporting.


Click here and access GRI content index


SASB content index

We respond to indicators contained in standards from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), aimed at the oil and gas industry that are suitable for our organization (Exploration & Production, Midstream and Refining & Marketing). 


Click here and access SASB content index


General coordination, production, editing and layout 
Executive Management of Social Responsibility


For more information, please contact: 
Management of Sustainability Reports and Indicators
Av. Henrique Valadares, 28 – Torre B, 8º andar
Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ | CEP 20031-030

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